Sunday Responsibilities

Deansboro UCC


Date Greeters Flowers
January Jennifer DeWeerth
February Alice Yoxall Diane Brady
March Dave Lloyd Joyce Ingraham
April Rick Lloyd Joyce Lloyd
May Dana Schiflett Judy Giannatelli
June Lawrence Gilley Gen Cornelius
July Joyce Lloyd
August Gen Cornelius Lawrence Gilley
September Bob Dangler Mary Lou Rosecrants
October Diane Brady Janet Dangler
November Linda Camp
December Tammy Sehn

Duties of the greeters
  1. Arrive 20 minutes before the service
  2. Light altar candles
  3. Greet worshippers as they enter
  4. Take up offering or delegate the responsibility
  5. Bring the food basket to the altar with the offering
  6. If you are unable to be there on a Sunday, contact a council member or call somone else to take your place
  7. Count the congregation. Write the number in the UCC calendar in the prayer room.
  8. After the service, turn down the heat, turn off the lights and lock the doors.
  9. After service, assist Treasurer in counting the day's offerings

•           Arrange for flowers on the altar every Sunday of your scheduled month

Both greeters and flower providers, please contact the people for the next month during the last week to remind them of their duties

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